Course Overview
Crash courses and regular courses for various Govt. and Pvt.companies job requirements, Cyber and Ethical hacking, Sports, Games, Athletics, taken care by the sports wing of the company, General health care, Enhancing memory power, balance in left and right brain. Neuro Linguistic Programs Certified short and long term courses in IT , Non-IT. Guaranteed placements in foreign companies and international universities.
Course Outline and Outcome Links | Duration | |
AI/ML & Blockchain | Certified Blockchain Specialist (CBS) | 32 hrs |
Certified Deep Learning Specialist (CDLS) | 32 hrs | |
Certified Machine Learning Specialist (CMLS) | 32 hrs | |
Certified Microservices with AI Specialist (CMAIS) | 32 hrs | |
Certified Python (Ai) Developer (Cpd) Course | 40 hrs | |
AI & Cyber Security | Certified AI Cyber Security Specialist | 24 hrs |
Big Data/Data Science | Certified Big Data Science Analyst (CBDSA) | 40 hrs |
Certified Business Analytics Specialist (CBAS) | 32 hrs | |
Certified Data Analytics (R) Specialist (CDAS) Course | 32 hrs | |
Certified NoSQL Analyst (MongoDB) (CNA) | 40 hrs | |
Certified Predictive Modeler (CPM) | 32 hrs | |
Cloud Computing | Certified Cloud Computing Specialist (CCCS) | 40 hrs |
Certified Cloud Computing Professional (CCCP) | 32 hrs | |
Internet of Things (IoT) | Certified Internet of Things Specialist (CIoTS) | 40 hrs |
Certified Internet of Things Professional (CIoTP | 32 hrs | |